Monday, July 9, 2018

Día Veintidós y Veintitres

Bring on the weekend!

This weekend we had decided to make no official plans and see where the weekend would take us (other than watching the England football game on Saturday morning). On Friday we decided to go to this party with some University students. Was a very strange evening, our flat ended up getting locked out so had to share the sofa bed in the other flat (albeit, not a very long sleep). Woke up bright and early on Saturday to ensure we could make it to the football on time, we were still locked out so off we went in last nights attire. At the pub we had booked a table for all of us plus some extras from the school, this made for an amazing atmosphere. The pub filled up with rather excited England fans very quickly. After a rather exciting and positive game we decided to stay at the pub for a long time after, and chat with other teachers from the school.

We all ended up trekking home at different times, and with all the excitement of the day we had planned to go back out and meet everyone again. However, we all got rather tired after a late night followed by a day of day drinking so crashed out after a takeaway.

The next day consisted of a day in the sunshine shopping in our new found favourite market, Santa Lucia. After spending far too much (on things we don't particularly need) we decided we were all far too tired to be wondering around in the heat so headed home for some rest. Concluding our fun filled weekend with chilling in the flats playing stupid car games.

Time to get back into the mind set for back to school. 

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