Monday, July 2, 2018

Día Diecisiete

Dogs, dinner and a bumpy bus

Today did not go as planned to say the least... As we didn't have any school we had aimed to have a lovely day outside, hiking in a National park about an hour out of Santiago. We got an Uber to what we thought was the entrance to the hiking was closed. (Turns out Chileans don't do bank holidays like the brits). We decided to walk further up the road to see if there was another entrance. Having made some new friends of the dog variety we made quite the impact to this tiny village we walked through. These dogs set off every single dog along this what seemed to be a never ending road. I have never heard such noise in my life, about 30 dogs all shouting at each other across the road and some even jumping over the fences to attack our new 'friends'. With all this we could not find another way into the park so decided to turn around and walk back to the restaurant we had previously passed. 

This restaurant was in the strangest building (looked like something out of a pixie or elf themed movie). We explored the grounds a learnt a lot about this building and found some very interesting sculptures and models sitting around. 

After sitting around for what seemed like forever the restaurant finally opened and we piled on in not knowing what kind of food we would be delving into. After exploring the grounds for quite some time we sat down ready to order. This food was amazing! After what had been a very interesting morning we definitely deserved some good grub. 

To get home we decided to try and catch a bus. Not knowing where the bus was going we hopped on and hoped for the best. We ended up in a bus station somewhere in Santiago, so we could easily find a metro station and make our way home for a chilled evening before starting school tomorrow.

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